Grade Report Legends - Faculty of Science

F NGR (No Grade Reported) - A grade of F with a qualifier of NGR (No Grade Reported) indicates that the instructor did not report a grade. Contact the appropriate department immediately for follow-up.

NCR (No Credit Retained) - The course does not count towards satisfaction of academic degree or certificate credit requirements and is not included in grade point averages (major, cumulative, sessional and overall).

May Proceed Only in an Ordinary Program - This means that your grade point average is below the minimum required for proceeding in an Honours degree for your particular major. You will automatically be put in a bachelor program in the same or first major if in a double major. If you would like to choose a different major, read the information on the Program Change page.

Academic Warning - Alerts you to the fact that, should you fail additional credits in future sessions or fail to raise your overall GPA you may be ineligible to proceed. Please refer to the Undergraduate Calendar for more detailed information.

Debarment Warning - Alerts you to the fact that should you fail additional credits in a future session or fail to raise your overall GPA you will be debarred for a period of two years. Please refer to the Undergraduate Calendar for more detailed information.

Failed to Gain Standing - This means that you may not register for the fall/winter session unless you are readmitted to the Faculty. After a one-year period, if you feel you have a valid reason to expect you will be more successful in your studies in the future, you may reapply to the Faculty of Science through the Office of Admissions. However, there is no guarantee that you will be readmitted. Applicable to BSc, iBSc, BASc and BSc (Tech) students.

Required to Withdraw - Students with the academic decision Required to Withdraw will not be able to enrol in courses for the fall/winter session. Applicable to BA or iBA students only.

Exit BASc, OCGPA. Apply BSc. - You may not continue in the Engineering program; enrolment will be blocked until you complete a Program Change Request.

May Continue in Honours (Not in Biology) - This means you do not meet the minimum Faculty grade point average of 6.00 (minimum major average of 6.00 for students admitted in the fall/winter 2008-2009 and subsequent sessions) required for this major. You must choose a new major.

Must Choose Major Other Than Biochemistry, Computational Mathematics, Digital Media, Environmental Science or Space Science - This means that you must choose a new major in a bachelor program. Enrolment is blocked until you complete a Program Change Request.

May Continue or May Continue in Honours (Not in Psychology) - This means that you have not met the minimum grade requirement of C in SC/PSYC 1010 6.00 and are not eligible to proceed in psychology as your second major.

Advising Required - This indicates that you are blocked from enrolling in courses in the upcoming session. Book an advising appointment with the appropriate department.

Limited Credits Allowed - If you are in a bachelor program and do not meet the minimum GPA required for graduation, you may take up to 102 credits in order to raise your GPA. Once you have completed 102 credits, you will automatically be blocked from further enrolment. At that point, if you still do not meet the required GPA for graduation, please contact Science Academic Services.

Questions? Should you have any questions regarding your grade report or wish to discuss or clarify your academic situation, please contact Science Academic Services at 416-736-5085.