Related information:
Course Type Abbreviations
Course Type Abbreviations | |
Abbreviation | Course Type |
BLEN | Blended learning 🛈 |
CLIN | Clinical |
CORS | Correspondence |
DIRD | Directed reading |
DISS | Dissertation |
FDEX | Field experience |
FIEL | Field trip |
HYFX | Hyflex 🛈 |
IDS | Individual directed study |
INSP | Internship |
ISTY | Independent studies |
LAB | Laboratory |
LECT | Lecture |
LGCL | Language classes |
ONCA | Online Campus 🛈 |
ONLN | Online learning 🛈 |
PERF | Performance |
PRAC | Practicum |
REEV | Research evaluation |
REMT | Remote 🛈 |
RESP | Research paper |
REVP | Review paper |
SEMR | Seminar |
STDO | Studio |
THES | Thesis |
TUTR | Tutorial |
WKSP | Workshop |
Days of the Week Abbreviations
Days of the Week Abbreviations | |
Abbreviation | Day(s) |
M | Monday |
T | Tuesday |
W | Wednesday |
R | Thursday |
F | Friday |
MWF | Monday, Wednesday and Friday |
TR | Tuesday and Thursday |
S | Saturday |
U | Sunday |
SU | Saturday and Sunday |
Faculty Abbreviations
Faculty Abbreviations | |
Abbreviation | Faculty Name |
AP | Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies |
ED | Faculty of Education |
EU | Faculty of Environmental & Urban Change |
FA | School of the Arts, Media, Performance & Design |
GL | Glendon College / Collège universitaire Glendon |
GS | Faculty of Graduate Studies |
HH | Faculty of Health |
LE | Lassonde School of Engineering |
LW | Osgoode Hall Law School |
SB | Schulich School of Business |
SC | Faculty of Science |
Undergraduate Course Subject Abbreviations
Undergraduate Course Subject Abbreviations | |
Abbreviation | Course Subject |
ACTG | Accounting |
ADMB | Administrative Studies Bridging |
ADMS | Administrative Studies |
ANTH | Anthropology |
ARB | Arabic |
ARTH | Art History |
ASL | American Sign Language |
AUCO | Aural Communication |
BBED | Bilingual/Bicultural Education |
BC | Bethune College |
BCHM | Biochemistry |
BIOL | Biology |
BPHS | Biophysics |
BSUS | Business and Sustainability |
BUEC | Business Economics |
BUSI | Business Studies |
CAT | Catalan |
CCY | Children, Childhood and Youth |
CDNS | Canadian Studies |
CGTA | Canadian University Graduate Transfer Agreement |
CH | Chinese |
CHEM | Chemistry |
CIVL | Civil Engineering |
CLST | Classical Studies |
CLTR | Culture |
CMCT | Communication and Culture |
COGS | Cognitive Science |
COMN | Communication Studies |
COMS | Communications |
COOP | Cooperative Education |
CORE | Common Core |
COST | Computer Studies |
CRIM | Criminology |
CSE | Computer Science & Engineering |
CSLA | Computer Science in Liberal Arts |
DANC | Dance |
DATT | Digital Media Program |
DEMS | Disaster and Emergency Management |
DESN | Design |
DEST | Deaf Studies |
DLLL | Languages, Literatures and Linguistics |
DRAA | Dramatic Arts |
DRCA | Drama & Creative Arts |
ECON | Economics |
EDFE | Foundations |
EDIN | Integration |
EDIS | Intermediate / Senior |
EDJI | Junior / Intermediate |
EDPJ | Primary / Junior |
EDPR | Practicum |
EDST | Educational Studies |
EDUC | Education |
EECS | Electrical Engineering and Computer Science |
EN | English |
ENG | Engineering |
ENSL | English as a Second Language |
ENTR | Entrepreneurial Studies |
ENVB | Environmental Biology |
ENVS | Environmental Studies |
ESL | English as a Second Language |
ESSE | Earth, Space Science and Engineering |
EXCH | Exchange |
FACS | Fine Arts Cultural Studies |
FAST | Family Studies |
FILM | Film |
FINE | Finance |
FND | Fundamentals of Learning |
FNEN | Financial Engineering |
FNSV | Financial Services |
FR | French Studies |
FRAN | French Studies / Études françaises |
FREN | French |
FSL | French as a Second Language |
GCIN | Global and Community Internship |
GEOG | Geography |
GER | German |
GK | Greek |
GKM | Modern Greek |
GWST | Gender and Women’s Studies |
HEB | Hebrew |
HIMP | Health Industry Management Program |
HIST | History |
HLST | Health Studies |
HND | Hindi |
HREQ | Human Rights and Equity Studies |
HRM | Human Resources Management |
HUMA | Humanities |
IBUS | International Business |
IHST | Global Health |
ILST | International Studies |
INDG | Indigenous Studies |
INDS | Independent Studies |
INDV | Individualized Studies |
INTL | International |
ISCI | Integrated Science |
IT | Italian |
ITEC | Information Technology |
JC | Jamaican Creole |
JP | Japanese |
KINE | Kinesiology and Health Science |
KOR | Korean |
LA | Latin |
LASO | Law and Society |
LAW | Law |
LIN | Linguistics and Language Studies |
LING | Linguistics |
LLDV | Language and Literacy Development |
LLS | Language and Learning Seminar |
LYON | Lyon |
MATH | Mathematics and Statistics |
MECH | Mechanical Engineering |
MGMT | Management |
MIST | Multicultural and Indigenous Studies |
MKTG | Marketing |
MODR | Modes of Reasoning |
MUSI | Music |
NATS | Natural Science |
NRSC | Neuroscience(Cyurr |
NURS | Nursing |
OMIS | Operations Management and Information Systems |
ORCO | Oral Communication |
ORGS | Organization Studies |
PANF | Interdisciplinary Fine Arts |
PERS | Persian |
PHED | Physical Education |
PHIL | Philosophy |
PHYS | Physics and Astronomy |
PKIN | Kinesiology and Health Science Practicum |
POLS | Political Science |
POR | Portuguese |
PPAS | Public Policy & Administration Studies |
PRAC | Practicum |
PROP | Real Property |
PRWR | Professional Writing |
PSYC | Psychology |
PUBL | Public Administration |
RELS | Religious Studies |
RU | Russian |
SCIE | Science |
SENE | Seneca |
SGMT | Strategic Management |
SLGS | Sign Language Studies |
SOCI | Sociology |
SOSC | Social Science |
SOWK | Social Work |
SP | Spanish |
STS | Science & Technology Studies |
SWAH | Swahili |
SXST | Sexuality Studies |
TECH | Technological Education |
TECL | Technology at Lassonde |
TESL | Teaching English to Speakers of Other Language |
THEA | Theatre |
TLSE | Teaching and Learning Seminar |
TRAN | Translation |
TYP | Transition Year Program |
URST | Urban Studies |
VISA | Visual Arts |
WKLS | Work and Labour Studies |
WKST | Work and Study |
WMST | Women's Studies |
WRIT | Writing |
YSDN | York/Sheridan Design |
Term Abbreviations
Term Abbreviations | |
F | Fall (September-December) |
W | Winter (January-April) |
Y | Fall and Winter (September-April) |
SU | Summer (May-August) |
S1 | Summer: First Term (May-June) |
S2 | Summer: Second Term (June-August) |
Language of Instruction Abbreviations within Visual Schedule Builder
These language of instruction abbreviations are used in the Visual Schedule Builder and can be seen after the course credit value.
Language of Instruction Abbreviations | |
Abbreviation | Language of Instruction |
EN | English |
FR | French |
SP | Spanish |
BL | English / French |
ES | English / Spanish |
FS | French / Spanish |
AE | Arabic / English |
CH | Chinese / Spanish |
CE | Chinese / English |
GE | German |
HE | Hebrew |
IT | Italian |
IE | Italian / English |
JE | Japanese |
KO | Korean |
LA | Latin |
MG | Modern Greek |
MR | Modern Greek / English |
PO | Portuguese |
PE | Portuguese / English |
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