Database Backups

Database backups are available at /var/www/drupal8/scripts_custom/backup/. A new database backup is made:

  • On an hourly basis
  • But only during business hours (8am-6pm, no weekends)
  • Whenever a backup is made, a backup is deleted (due to the space constraint)
  • ALL databases are backed up

How do I recover from a database backup?

  1. Please select a .sql.gz file based on timestamp
  2. gunzip (file).sql.gz
  3. Are you sure about this? - if you proceed with step #4, you will be erasing the changes made to all studentsv2.uit databases between the file creation time and now = better ask everyone's permission about this!
    • There are automated tasks running in the background that may be affected by your action.
    • Or, download it to your own MySQL server, isolate the database(s) to be affected.
  4. Assuming you have a .my.cnf file set up, mysql < (file).sql.gz